General Parkinson’s Information

  1. The “Understanding Parkinson’s” section of the Michael J Fox Foundation provides an extensive overview of the symptoms, possible causes, medications, and treatments as well as related conditions.  The video above explains the symptoms, diagnosis and treatments for Parkinson’s Disease.
  2. InMotion is a local nonprofit organization in Beechwood specialized in providing free, quality education and exercise for people with Parkinson’s Disease.  They offer an introduction: PD 101 and subsequent online 201 course at their facility. Find out more about the educational resources available below.
  3. Whether you are a person with Parkinson’s Disease, a loved one or a friend who would like to provide support, the Parkinson Foundation provides many resources related to symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and living well with Parkinson’s Disease.  ( The Parkinson’s Foundation also has links to various resources including their helpline, hospital kits, online community to meet others with PD as well as an online Library of pre-recorded and live educational sessions of your topic of interest. (  Also, an easy to read guide for exercise and movement can be found here: Parkinson’s Foundation “Store”  To order free resources from the foundation to be shipped to your house.
  4. The American Parkinson’s Disease Association (APDA) is a resource for live and recorded educational talks for People with Parkinson’s and their families. ( They also provide guidance to exercise and movement in their booklet here:
  5. The Brian Grant Foundation provides resources and information to live your life well with Parkinson’s Disease. There are many recipes that accompany information regarding nutrition and exercise to support living empowered and active lives. (
  6. The Davis Phinney Foundation is another online resource which includes a Parkinson’s 101 ( section with various information as well as virtual webinars, educational events, and resources for people with PD. The topics are organized nicely at the bottom of the resources page for easy access. (
  7. Staging is typically only discussed for the purposes of research.  It is often not reliable for the general Parkinson’s Population due to the large variability and varied progression of Parkinson’s Disease from one person to the next. If you’d like to find out more about staging Parkinson’s Disease, The Parkinson Foundation: and the APDA are two resources for information about staging.
Posted in Resources.